So, something a bit crazy happened recently. I was
contacted by a lovely lady who works for the BBC who asked if I would be
interested in taking part in a documentary about social media, bloggers and how
the whole thing works. I was super shocked that she had contacted me, and she
actually found me through my profile on the Feels app.. if you haven't checked
that out you should definitely do so!
So last week a film crew of about 6 people came to my
house, which was surreal in itself. They had a proper camera, one of those
weird microphone things on a stick, a soft box light, I had to wear a
microphone, it was all so strange. So they interviewed me, asked how I got
into blogging, how I edit my instagram pictures and style my outfits. It was
all so much fun and I am so glad I got to experience something like this. They
want to call the documentary 'How to be a bad bitch' but they may not be able
to as Amber Rose has a book with a very similar name.... how funny. For
this project I think they are interviewing quite a few bloggers, marketing
companies and industry experts so I reckon the whole thing would
be really interesting.
The documentary still needs to be commissioned, but
they have said they have had some interest already which is exciting. This
could turn into something really exciting and I am so grateful that they
contacted me. Additionally, if nothing comes of this I am still so glad I took
part and experienced the complete madness of a film crew coming to my
house. I will keep you all updated of what is happening and how it goes.
L x