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Friday 8 April 2016


So, the lovely Maddie from the amazing blog - (check it out, she's gorgeous and has the best blog!) has nominated me and some other bloggers for The Liebster Award which i'm super flattered about. The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers, especially new bloggers just starting out and trying to grow their audience. I think it's so amazing that their is an award out their supporting smaller bloggers and helping them get more noticed in the huge world of blogging..

So there's a set of rules that must be followed..

  1. You must mention and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger created in their awards post
  3. Then you get to nominate some new bloggers that you feel deserve it
  4. Lastly, you create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer
So, the questions that the lovely Maddie asked me are.. 

What social media platform do you spend the most time on?
It would have to be Instagram. I am completely obsessed.. I am constantly scrolling through, finding new people to follow, getting inspiration from brands, or just stalking.. 

Nate or Chuck?
Chuck. Always. 

If you could spend the day as a different person, who would it be?
This is such a difficult question. In the morning when I wake up I would choose to be Beyonce as you would look and feel amazing first thing and that would motivate me for the rest of the day. In the afternoon I would be Alessandra Steinherr, the beauty editor at Glamour because she has the coolest job ever and I would love to experience her day to day life. Then in the evening I would be Alexa Chung, because she always seems to have fun.

What is your favourite season?
My favourite season is that in-between spring and summer phase, because thats probably when it's warmest in the UK. The summer is usually a bit crap.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That is SO hard. I tried deep fried mac 'n' cheese for the first time the other day so maybe that.. or crisps and houmous. 

Favourite lip colour?
Always a browny nude lip. My favourite at the moment is Mac - Velvet Teddy. 

What drink do you order at Starbucks?
Usually its a chai latte. But if not, just a standard latte works well for me.

What is your favourite accent?
I find the Irish accent very attractive.. oh and the Welsh accent. Or I actually really like the proper London Cockney accent. 

What has blogging taught you?
Hmm. Blogging has taught me that if you are passionate about something that it is really great to write about it and express your passion for it, however you shouldn't just expect to be a successful blogger just like that. I think it takes a long time to get anywhere, and you shouldn't just start blogging for the freebies and the thought of becoming well known in the blogging world, because you won't get very far. 

What is your favourite Disney film?
Its definitely either The Lion King or Cinderella. They are both just so good. 

If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
I think it would be Barcelona, I've heard so many amazing things about it and I'm desperate to go and explore. 

I would like to nominate some bloggers that I think deserve it..

Nicole Coltman from

Lauren from

Here are my questions..

1) Favourite make up brand?
2) Favourite high street store? 
3) If you could only wear one make up product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island, what are the three items you would have with you?
5) Favourite social media platform?
6) Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in store?
7) How did you get into blogging?
8) What is your ideal holiday destination right now?
9) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years from now?
10) Do you prefer reading blogs or watching Youtube videos? 
11) If you had to choose one last supper before you die, what would it be?


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